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Monday, October 22, 2012


I’ve worked seven different jobs in my lifetime (McAlister’s Deli, Disney World, Byron’s Smokehouse, the Auburn University Department of Human Sciences, Auburn Alumni Association, the Mountain Brook Chamber of Commerce … and now … Strong).

Out of all these different organizations, I worked the longest and hardest at Disney World…the “happiest place on Earth”, which I can tell you from first-hand experience is not always necessarily true. When you combine 60+ hours a week on your feet with a spacesuit costume with upset screaming too short children with a 30 minute lunch break with minimum wage with Florida weather … the word “happy” doesn’t really come to mind. 

That being said, I had a blast regardless of the working conditions. Lots of fun stories resulted from my 5-month Disney stay that I still love to share (if my old blog still existed, we could go back and reminisce. But it’s not and that’s sad).

But I was thinking today how different things are now, and it’s so clear to me how much I’ve changed in three years …

  •      My list of qualities in a potential husband are completely different
  •      I don’t hate the University of Alabama
  •      My expertise in make-up has evolved for the better (Thanks, urban decay)
  •      I believe in the power of the iPhone (I used to be a hater)
  •      I know how to put together a media plan
  •      The idea of going to Nashville no longer scares me

                And the list could go on and on …
… but one HUGE difference is worthy of in-depth analysis. 


At Disney, I was 21 years old, would work 12 hour days and not think twice before changing clothes and heading out for the evening. Like, every single evening. I wouldn’t mind only getting four hours of sleep because I could function on it. No big. “Work hard, play hard" ... for five months.

Now, I’m 24 years old, work 9 hour days and come home completely and totally pooped. It’s embarrassing. All I wanna do is lay on the couch and watch Netflix (currently I’m going through SNL: the 2010’s) in some nice stretchy pants with my dog (#couldibeanymoresingle).

This cannot be a permanent thing. There’s no way. Just, no. It’s only my body getting used to this new schedule I’ve put it on, because I REFUSE to become boring. I mean, let’s be honest … I’m the fun one. I’m the girl whose best friend recently warned the new guy she was dating, “Okay. Now Amy is my friend who is wonderfully and beautifully insane. She’ll say whatever pops into her brain and she’s awesome. Don’t be afraid when she just starts talking to you like she’s known you all her life” … (yes, that conversation actually happened).

Here’s to hoping I’m only in the learning stage of how to live in “big-girl world. All I want to do is meet up with friends after work for drinks or dinner or maybe go shopping or get together and watch a movie! I don’t wanna stop! I wanna go-go-go-go but my little Amy body won’t have any of it right now.

I’m giving myself until the end of November to get it together. If that doesn’t happen, then we can back up and punt and reevaluate my life. Looking forward to it. 

PS I'm not complaining about working. I'm very grateful to have my job and am very blessed. VERY VERY VERY BLESSED!

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