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Saturday, March 17, 2012

sb twelve

today, march 17, 2012, marks my final day of spring break ever. EVER.

(unless of course i decide to get my doctorate degree and become dr. amy .... psh.)

throughout the years, my sb's have included trips to disney world, san francisco, san diego, gulf shores and of course ... destin (alabama's (un)official sb beach).

 this year's sb, however, has been off the chain. yeah, i
-worked on my media plan
-had my car worked on
-used a groupon for a free manicure
-got fried at the pool while my friends turn a lovely, lusty shade of bronze
-watched some movies
-did some more homework
-bought a pair of capris but then returned them the next day cause they were damaged
-went with my friend katie to lenscrafters

i know. insane, right? my friend who went to dc and my friend who went to new york told me they were green with envy. but we can't have it all.

seriously though. its a nice segway into real adult life i guess ... accepting that my fun, chill, relaxed student life is four months from over and big girl kicks off.

my heart just sank as i typed that.

 its okay, its okay.

i'm only a few days away from booking my last big whoo-rah before that all starts: 4-day cruise to cozumel !!!!!!

yeah, who am i to complain?

a hypocrite. i'm a hypocrite, thats who.

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